Some useful math symbols#
\(\forall\): “For all”
\(\exists\): “There exists”
\(\ni\): “such that”
Derivatives and partial derivatives#
I will often write
Some useful tensors#
The Kronecker delta function. If \(I,J = i,\ldots,N\) are some indices then
The totally antisymmetric tensor
In \(d\) dimensions, the tensor \(\epsilon_{i_1,\ldots, i_d}\) is totally antisymmetric in the exchange of all indices. Thus the only nonvanishing components are ones for which \(i_1,\ldots,i_d\) are a permutation of \(1,2,\ldots,d\). We fix the tensor completely by edemanding that \(\epsilon_{1,2,\ldots,d} = 1\).
Einstein summation convention#
The Einstein summation convention is that all repeated indices are summed over unless otherwise stated explicitly. Thus, for some \(d\)-dimensional vectors \(V^i\), \(W^i\)
Technically speaking I am being a little careless. In curved spaces (for example, on the sphere), there are geometrically distinct objects \(V^i\), \(V_i\), and I should only be summing over pairs of indices in which one is raised and one is lowered. In Euclidean space, however, there is a standard map which states that numerically, \(V^i = V_i\), so I will ignore this issue for the time being.
(We can think of \(V^i, W^i\) as elements of a vector space, and \(V_i, W_i\) their dual vectors; we will discuss this language when we get to linear algebra).
Derivatives of expressions involving the Einstein summation convention often confuse people. For a general vector field \(V^I(x)\),
Now if \(V^I = W^I = x^I\), then \(\del_J x^I = \delta^I_J\). You can convince yourselves that
and therefore,
More on the totally antisymmetric tensor#
Contraction identities in \(d\) dimensions A. \(\epsilon_{i_1,\ldots,i_d}\epsilon^{i_1,\ldots,i_d} = d!\). B. In \(d - 2\), \(\epsilon_{ij} \epsilon^{ik} = \delta^k_j\). C. In \(d = 3\), \(\epsilon_{kmn}\epsilon^{k i j} = \delta^i_m \delta^j_n - \delta^i_n \delta^j_m\). D. In \(d = 3\), \(\epsilon_{ijk}\epsilon^{ijl} = 2\delta^l_k\). E. There are similar identities in higher dimensions, which we will leave aside for now.
Definition of cross product.
For general \(d\), the cross product of two vectors \(U^i V^i\) is a \(d-2\)-rank tensor:
For \(d = 2\), this is a scalar (actually a “pseudo-scalar”):
For \(d = 3\),
Or alternatively,
Some useful functions#
The Heaviside step function \(\theta(x)\):