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Physics 162a
Prof. Albion Lawrence
Brandeis University
Classical Mechanics
Newtonian mechanics.
Lagrangian Mechanics
Constrained Lagrangian Systems
Symmetries and conservation laws
Hamiltonian Mechanics
Introduction to quantum mechanics
Linear algebra
Vector spaces
Linear operators
Adjoints and inner products
Spectra of Hermitian and Unitary Operators
The Rules of Quantum Mechanics
The Axioms of Quantum Mechanics.
Example: spin-1/2 particles
Entangled states and density matrices
Local Realism vs. Quantum Mechanics
Wave mechanics
Particles on a line
Compatible and incompatible measurements
Designing Hamiltonians
The Schroedinger wave function and its dynamics
Dynamics I
Interlude: two interesting systems
The Aharonov-Bohm effect
Neutrino oscillations
Examples of nonrelativistic quantum particle dynamics
The free nonrelativistic particle
The 1d square well
The simple harmonic oscillator
Two-state systems as phenomenological models
One-dimensional scattering
Periodic potentials
Neutrino oscillations
Neutrino oscillations
Lecture to be posted