Dynamics I#
Before continuing to specific systems, we want to make a couple general comments on dynamics.
Energy-time uncertainty#
The position-momentum uncertainty principle is often complemented with an energy-time uncertainty principle:
This could be argued for, for example, by noting that the energy is a component of a four-vector for which the spatial momenta are also components, \(p^{\mu} = (E/c, {\vec p})\), and similarly for time and space: \(x^{\mu} = (ct, {\vec x})\). But that isn’t the strongest argument, and at any rate we are dealing with non-relativistic theories. For starters, in this case \(t\) is a parameter not an operator.
Another handwaving argument is that if we measure a system over a finite time \(\Delta t\), the measurement process itself violates time translation invariance. In quantum mechanics as well as in classical mechanics, the conservation of energy follows from this invariance; thus in a measurement \(E\) is no longer conserved.
But we can make a more precise statement that gives some definition of \(\Delta t\). Let \(H\) be the Hamiltonian and \(A\) some Hermitian operator. We have already shown that
If we define \(\Delta H \equiv \Delta E\) and
then we get our uncertainty principle. We can ghink of \(\Delta t\) as the time it takes for \(\vev{A}\) to change by an amount \(\Delta A\) – that is, the time scale for a change in the state to be noticeable.
Conservation of probability#
We have noted before that \(\psi^*({\vec x}\psi({\vec x})\) is a probability density; one integrates it over a region to find the probability that a particle lives in that region.
Now the total probability in a system must be \(1\). But over time, the probability that a particle is found in a given region can change; however it must change in such a way that the integrated probability does not.
To see how this works, we can use the Schroedinger equation and compute:
Note how the potential has dropped out of this equation. If we define the probability current as:
and the probability density as:
then we get the continuity equation
That is, the change of probability in a region is due to the flux of \({\vec J}\) into and out of that region. This guarantees the conservation of probability in the entire space so long as \({\vec J}\) vanishes quickly enough at infinity.