The free nonrelativistic particle#
We begin by considering the “free” nonrelativistic particle in \(d\) dimensions – that is, a particle with no force acting on it. The Hamiltonian is
where \(m\) is the particle mass. The time-dependent Schroedinger equation is
The solutions to the time-independent Schrodinger equation are clearly
which has energy \(E = \frac{{\vec p}^2}{2m}\). In this case the energy eigenstates are not quite in the Hilbert space. But we will ignore this complication.
We can treat the time-dependent equation as an initial value problem. At time \(t = t_0\), we rpescribe a wavefunction \(\psi({\vec x}, t_0)\). This can be expressed in a Fourier integral:
Since an energy eigenstate evolves simply as
then the full state \(\psi\) evolves as
An equivalent strategy is to start with the formula
where \(G_0(x,t;ymt_0) = \bra{x} U(t,t_0) \ket{y}\) and \(U(t,t_0) = e^{-i H (t-t_0)/\hbar}\). \(G_0\) is called the propagator or Green function. With some work you can show that
that is, it solves the Schroedinger equation, and that
Given \(G_0\) you can find a solution for any initial value, by doing the integral in (292).
od find \(G_0\) we insert resolutions of the identity \({\bf 1} = \int d^d p \ket{p}\bra{p}\) and use \(\brket{x}{p} = \frac{1}{(2\pi \hbar)^{d/2}} e^{i{\vec p}\cdot{\vec x}/\hbar}\):
Now this is a Gaussian integral. The argument is pure imaginart, but if we let \(t \to t - i\eps\), then the integrand will die off exponentially as \(\sim e^{-\eps p^2 t/(2m\hbar)}\) for large \(p^2\). We can then use the standard formulae for Gaussian integrals
To do the integral above we need to complete the square. Writing the argument of the exponential as (setting \(t_0 = 0\); this is just a choice of coordinates)
We can shift the origin of integration by setting \({\vec p} \to {\vec p} + \frac{m}{t}({\vec x} - {\vec y})\) and performing the Gaussian integrals. The result, when the dust settles, is
This is an exponential which oscillates more slowly at \({\vec x} = {\vec y}\) and more quickly as we go off to infinity. The width of the slowly oscillating region increases as a square root of \(t = t_0\); this is the origin of the spreading of the wavefunction. To get some intuition, note that if we set \(t = - i \tau\), the Schroedinger equation becomes
where \(D = \frac{\hbar}{2m}\). This latter equation is the diffusion equation (a special case of the Fokker-Planck equation). The interpretation is different: \(\psi\) is a density or a probability distribution (rather than a complex amplitude you square to get thr probability). But it turns out you can get some mileage from the realization that there is a formal relation (in many cases) between diffusion problems (and their underlying stochastic dynamics) and quantum problems.